チベット亡命政府リーダー ホワイトハウスを60年ぶりに訪問 China in Focus【動画】

Tibetan leader visit WH for 1st time in 60 years

The head of the exile Tibetan government was invited to visit the white house on Friday.

The trip marked the first time in 60 years that an exiled Tibetan leader visited the white house.

In July, the US accused Beijing of violating Tibetan human rights. Since then Chinese officials have accused the US of using Tibet to promote so-called Splitism in China.

It refers to the idea of supporting group interests instead of official Communist Party policy.

Chinese authorities have also refused to engage with the newly appointed US special coordinator for Tibetan issues.

China seized control of Tibet in 1950, claiming that it was a peaceful liberation of its feudalistic past.


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